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WYD 2023 World Youth Day

Updated: Dec 28, 2021

All information about the greatest event of world spirituality, with the presence of Pope Francis, fraternizing with young people from all over the world in a single objective.

Welcome to our Information Blog about the world's biggest religious events. Here we will post updated information with the Vatican about World Youth Day 2023. Our goal will be to make the participant or interested in this great event, can create their plan in the best way possible and get with that, enjoy every unforgettable moment.

Official date of WYD 2023 announced | from the 1st to the 6th of August

Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, D. Manuel Clemente, declares his joy, underlining the importance of this announcement on the day of St. Francis of Assisi, released on this 4th of October.

The organization of the World Youth Day (WYD) 2023 announces this Monday the 4th of October that the edition in Lisbon, Portugal, will be from the 1st to the 6th of August. The dates are now revealed in a statement citing D. Manuel Clemente, Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon.

“It is with great joy that we reveal that World Youth Day Lisbon 2023 will take place from August 1 to 6, 2023. The announcement of this WYD date on this day of St. Francis of Assisi is a very important moment for everyone. Young people from all over the world have long wanted to know the date of WYD Lisbon 2023 in order to prepare their visit to Lisbon in greater detail. We hope that the 22 months that will lead us to WYD will be a time of evangelization for everyone” – considers D. Manuel Clemente, Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon.

At the moment, there are already more than 400 volunteers, mostly Portuguese, who are collaborating with the organization of WYD Lisbon 2023 in the Local Organizing Committee (COL). Aliantour will have a team dedicated entirely to our partners and customers with 24-hour service in Lisbon.

However, in each of the 21 dioceses of Portugal there are also Diocesan Organizing Committees (COD) that dynamize the path of preparation for the event in their territory.

From the road traveled so far, we can recall an important moment such as the passage of the Pilgrim Cross and the Marian Icon, symbols of WYD, from young people in Panama to those in Portugal. On November 22, 2020, on the Solemnity of Christ the King, at a Eucharist in St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis exhorted young people not to give up their big dreams and told them to do works of mercy:

“Let's not renounce big dreams. Let us not settle for what is owed. The Lord doesn't want us to narrow our horizons, He doesn't want us parked on the fringes of life, but rushing toward high goals with joy and daring. We were not made to dream of vacations or weekends, but to make God's dreams come true in this world. He made us able to dream, to embrace the beauty of life. And works of mercy are the most beautiful works in life. If you have dreams of true glory – not the world's fleeting glory, but the glory of God, this is the road; because works of mercy give more glory to God than anything else” – Pope Francis stressed at the reception of the WYD symbols in Rome by the Portuguese youth.

WYD Lisbon 2023 takes place in Portugal from the 1st to the 6th of August. Until then, WYD symbols pilgrimage through the dioceses of Portugal from November 2021 to July 2023. The theme of WYD 2023 is: “Mary got up and left in a hurry” (Lk 1, 39).

official source

Draw your journey

"Mary got up and left in a hurry" (Lk 1,39).

Aliantour has always been actively involved in organizing World Youth Day events. In 2016, we were responsible for taking over 1000 participants from all over the world. Offering everyone 24 hours support in their native language.

The official anthem of WYD 2023 has just been announced. Our commitment to always publish news as soon as they are announced, follow here on our Blog the video with the official anthem.

Where to stay?

Assist the saints in their needs, exercise hospitality.” Romans 12:13

The event will take place in Lisbon and the best accommodation option will be in the central region of the city. If you decide for accommodations other than the centrals, there will be addresses further away. To avoid delays and crowding, always plan ahead.

We will post full hosting information in our upcoming updates.

Calendar of activities for WYD 2023

DAY 1 - LISBON | 29 Jul - Saturday

At a time to be determined, presentation at Guarulhos International Airport for departure to Lisbon, with connection (the airline will be informed approximately 10 months before departure and it will be installment in up to 12 installments).

DAY 2 - LISBON | 30Jul - Sunday


Arrival, meeting with the official guide at the airport and departure for a panoramic city tour of Lisbon, with a view to the Castle of São Jorge, downtown and high Lisbon, historical monuments and free afternoon. Accommodation at the hotel.

WYD Catechesis, WYD Ticket Lunch and WYD Opening Ceremonies.

DAY 3 - LISBON | FATIMA*| LISBON - 31 Jul - Monday

CATHECHESIS WYD | FATIMA CITY (Fatima tour programming May Change)

WYD breakfast and catechesis.

Schedule Preview

WYD Programming

Return to the hotel and overnight in Lisbon.

DAY 4 - LISBON - Aug 01 - Tuesday


Breakfast, transfer to participate in the WYD Opening Ceremony.


WYD Programming

Return to the hotel and overnight in Lisbon.

DAY 5 - LISBON - Aug 02 - Wednesday


Breakfast, transfer to participate in the official WYD program.


Morning – Official opening of the event. Welcome by the local Bishops.

Afternoon – Opening ceremonies with Holy Mass.

Night – Night shows, music, prayers and confessions.

Youth Festival and Stations of the Cross

Return to the hotel and overnight in Lisbon.

DAY 6 - LISBON - 03 Aug - Thursday


In the morning, transfer to participate in the official WYD program.

Early departure on foot from the place of the Mass


Morning – Catechesis sessions (by language groups) for teaching the faith of several Bishops, starting from 17:00 until night. Special event organized by Aliantour for participants.

Afternoon and Evening - Music shows, prayers and confessions, Evening prayer with the Holy Father at the Mass.

Overnight in the field.

DAY 7 - LISBON - Aug 04 - Friday


In the morning, transfer to participate in the official WYD program.


Morning – Official opening of the event.

Afternoon – Catechesis and the Pope's arrival in the city. Welcoming pilgrims by the Pope during an afternoon prayer service, papal closing mass.

Night – Night shows, music, prayers and confessions.

Return to hotel (partial overnight stay in Lisbon).

DAY 8 – LISBON - Aug 05 - Saturday

In the morning, transfer to participate in the official WYD program. Return to the hotel.


Morning – Catechesis sessions (by language groups) for teaching the faith of various Bishops.

Afternoon - Cultural and musical afternoon, prayers and opportunities for reconciliation...

Night – Night seasons with the Holy Father and the Via Sacra (path of the cross).

DAY 9 – LISBON - 06 Aug - Sunday

In the morning, transfer to participate in the WYD 2023 Closing Mass.

At a time to be determined, transfer to Lisbon airport for departure to a flight to US or your place of origin.


Morning – Prayers led by the bishops present and closing of the event

Transfer to the airport and end of our services


  • 07 nights accommodation in gyms (Oeiras Viva)

  • Breakfast

  • Assistance on arrival and departure through the airport

  • Arrival and departure bus at the airport

  • Local taxes

  • Pilgrim's kit

  • WYD Meals (6 Lunches and 6 Dinners)

  • Public transport pass in the city

  • Health Insurance and Luggage Insurance

Not included:

  • Meals not mentioned

  • Flights (Air)

  • Drinks

  • Appetizer

  • Tips

Basic Package - Accommodation in gyms | Oeiras Viva

See our pricing Booking American Market +39 081 8560620


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