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The Sistine Chapel Choir Ensemble

Updated: Dec 27, 2021

The Vatican's Sistine Chapel Voices Choir, the Pope's Choir on tour in your country.

Aliantour is the Vatican's official agency on the travels of members of the Sistine Chapel Voice Choir in their presentations around the world and for this reason, Aliantour is able to create special and exclusive events and a unique program in the world, where singers, conductors and choir members will be able to learn techniques in person directly with the members of the Sistine Chapel Choir at the Vatican, a unique experience with world icons on the subject.

Capella Musicale Pontificia Sistina

The Pontifical Sistina Musical Chapel, or in Italian Cappella Musicale Pontificia Sistina, is a choir made up of fifty singers, twenty adult men and thirty "white voices" (children), dedicated to sacred music and maintained by the Vatican, also known as the Coral do Pope. Today, Coral is a world reference in quality and exclusivity, in addition to being the oldest coral in the world. Its origins date back to the 15th century, historical records show coral activity dating back to 1471.

A unique experience, with the objective entirely devoted to evangelization and the union between peoples. A celebration of faith and culture.

Mr. Cesare Sto, Capella Musicale Pontificia Sistina and Dr. Bianca Tedesco CEO Aliantour

Private Choir Performances for Our Groups

In the week between October 12th and 15th, 2021, we were happy to receive a group of one of our loyal friends/clients and to celebrate the return of tourism. We created a special event with the participation of the "Ensemble of voices", where the main singers of the Coral do Papa perform exclusively for the group.

We provide a small part of the event part of the event for you to get to know.

This is one of Aliantour's "exclusive" products, from 10 people it will be possible to organize a Choir presentation event just for the group in a private place inside the Vatican.

Create an unforgettable memory for your group or family

Special Event Aliantour - The Sistine Chapel Choir Performance - Met Gala 2018

Met Gala is a worldwide event, created in 1948 for the purpose of raising funds for the benefit of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Each year's event celebrates the theme of that year's "Costume Institute" exhibition, and the exhibition sets the tone for the evening's formal attire, as designers must choose their costumes to match the exhibition's theme. This event is considered as one of the most important and exclusive social events in the world. Also one of New York City's biggest fundraising nights, The Met Gala is one of the most notable sources of funding for the Institute, with contributions expected to exceed $200 million in total.

In the year 2018, Aliantour organized a historic presentation with the Vatican Sistine Chapel Choir with all its members at the Met Gala event. With full coverage of the main media and communication channels in the United States and even today revered by Vogue magazine, as you can see in the link below.

Promotional video about the US Tour

About the presentation time

The presentation time of the Ensemble de Vozes will consist of 1h30 of presentation, and may be composed with masses, famous singers or orchestras, with values ​​separate from the proposal described in this document.

Special travel program with Choir events in Italy

Day 1 - US/Milan IN

Arrival at Milan International Airport. Reception by the accompanying guide Aliantour. Transfer to the hotel. And check-in. Rest of day free for personal activities. Dinner and accommodation.

Day 2 - Milan

Breakfast at the hotel, followed by an orientation tour of the “Capital of Fashion”: Sforza Castle, Scala, Duomo Square and Cathedral with local guide and entrance to the Cathedral. Free time to visit the city's museums, walk the streets of the historic center admiring the architecture or go shopping. Dinner and accommodation.

Day 3 - Milan / Venice City tour - in (Accommodation in Venice)

Breakfast. Departure to Venice. Arrival and transfer to the historic center of Venice by steamboat. Visit to the Pearl of the Adriatic – St. Mark's Square and Basilica, the most famous in Venice that combines the architectural and decorative styles of the West and the East and one of the most beautiful buildings in Europe; Bridge of Sighs; Clock Tower and Rialto Bridge. Visit to the Doges Palace, former residence of the Doges and seat of government. Inside, you can admire works by Tintoreto, Veronese, Tiepolo and Ticiano, among others. Free time to take a gondola ride through the canals or any other activity of a private nature. dinner and accommodation.

Day 4 - Venice/Padua/Pisa/Florence

Breakfast. Departure towards Padua, visit the ancient university city, of great artistic and monumental wealth and the city with the tomb of St. Anthony. Stop in Pisa, one of the best known and most important cities in Tuscany. Highlight for Campo dei Miracoli where we will find the famous Leaning Tower and visit the Cathedral and Baptistry. Arrival in Florence, check-in and we will prepare for the Coral Performance in Florence at Igreja di Santa Felicita. dinner and accommodation.

Day 5 - Florence

Breakfast. Visit to the city, a precious monument to the Renaissance in the artistic and cultural awakening of the 20th century. XV. Writers such as Dante, Petrarch and Machiavelli contributed to its literary heritage and the paintings and sculptures of artists such as Botticelli, Miguel Ângelo and Donatello elevate the city to one of the greatest artistic capitals in the world. Special emphasis on the Duomo – Catedral Stª Maria dei Fiore, the most famous symbol of Florence; Baptistery with the famous Porta do Paraíso; Piazza de Signoria; Ponte Vecchio; Church of Santa Cruz, with the tomb of Michelangelo, among others. Free afternoon for private activities. We suggest a visit to the Galeria dos Ofícios, Pitti Palace which includes the Boboli Garden and the Bargello National Museum. Dinner and accommodation.

Day 6 - Florence/Assisi

Breakfast and departure to Assisi. Arrival and visit to the magical city of San Francisco, surrounded by ancient walls spread over the slopes of Monte Subasio. We will walk through its narrow medieval streets, adorned with colorful pink stone houses and flowered balconies. Highlight for the Basilica, begun in 1228, tomb of St. Francis and Basilica of St. Clare, where we can find the many relics of his life. Leisure. dinner and accommodation.

Day 7 - Assisi/Roma

Breakfast at the hotel. Visit to the Basilica of Santa Maria dos Anjos. Every year, on August 2nd, the faithful of the world can receive the plenary indulgence of the Portiúncula or also called “Pardon of Assisi”, a grace that dates back to 1216, at the request of St. Francis. Here you can visit Porciúncula: it is a small chapel that is currently located inside the Basilica of Nossa Senhora dos Anjos, in Assisi. Named by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, it is a popular place for thousands of pilgrims and of great importance for the church. San Francisco discovered his vocation and lived most of his life in this small, dilapidated temple that was donated by the Benedictines. Continuation to Rome. Choir performance in Assisi Basilica of San Francesco. Dinner and accommodation.

Day 8 - Rome - Papal Audience

Breakfast and departure to Vatican City. Arrival and assistance, during the morning, at the papal audience. In the afternoon, pedestrian visit to Rome city center with special emphasis on Navona Square, Pantheon and Trevi Fountain. Few cities have as much cultural, artistic and architectural heritage as the old capital of the Roman Empire, the “Eternal City”, an absolute labyrinth of fountains, churches, cathedrals, palaces, squares and avenues. Return to the hotel. dinner and accommodation.

Day 9 - Rome - City tour of papal basilicas

Breakfast at the hotel. Panoramic tour of the city, highlighting S. João de Latrão, residence of the papacy until 1309; Circus Maximus; Baths in Caracalla, Coliseum in Rome, among others. Continuation of the visits, highlighting the Church of S. Pedro in Vincoli, whose construction began in 431, famous for the tomb of Julius II, built by Michelangelo and incorporating his famous Moses. Highlight for the Coliseum, whose construction is due to the Emperor Vespasian in the year 72 AD, with the objective of offering the inhabitants spectacles of deadly combats between gladiators and fights of wild animals, among others. The amphitheater is the symbol of the sumptuousness of the Roman Empire and one of the best examples of its architecture, being the biggest tourist attraction in Rome. Continuation of the visits, on foot, via the Foruns Imperiais, with a privileged view over a series of monumental squares built by the Roman Emperors in the city of Rome. Another highlight is the Altar da Pátria, a monument in honor of Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoy, the first king of unified Italy, with its majestic staircase and Corinthian columns. Return to the hotel. Dinner and accommodation.

Day 10 - Rome - Sistine Chapel and Vatican Museums Breakfast. Visit the Vatican Museum, including the Sistine Chapel, consisting of more than a thousand rooms and galleries with priceless art treasures, such as works from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and the Renaissance. Highlight for sculptures, paintings, tapestries, among other precious items. Choir performance in Rome church Sant’ Andrea della Valle. Free afternoon. Dinner and accommodation.

Day 11 - Rome Breakfast at the hotel. At a time to be indicated locally, transfer to the airport to board a flight to US or your place of origin. End of our services.

Special travel program with Choir events in Italy

Booking American Market

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